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Night of the Organ 2021 - aftermovie
The Night of the Organs once again featured as the opening event of the OrganPoint programs in 2021. Among the hundreds of programs there were organ concerts, liturgical organ music and other colourful events like art and musical instrument exhibitions, talks and lectures – all of them featuring the organ. Some of the highlights included organ music at the globe of Balatonboglár and at the rooftop of the Kodály Centre in Pécs. In the city of Szeged, one could taste the delicious sundae named after the queen of instruments, several concerts were performed in Kecskemét and in Miskolc, and several festival programs featured in Budapest too. It is interesting to note that the organ piece of the festival was composed by Ádám Balázs. We also had the opportunity to host the magnificent Pope’s Choir from the Vatican. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Night of the Organ in 2022.