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18.05.2024 10:30
Orogan flowering Sold out!
Budapest, House of Music Hungary
Family event Festival concert

The Hungarian Music House is treated to a truly family experience with the concert, “The Blossoming of the Organ”.

One of the defining figures of Hungarian music life, Máté Hámori leads The Danubia Orchestra, one of the country’s leading symphony orchestras on the Night of the Organs, joined by multiple prizewinning organist and composer Sándor Balatoni, who has also shone as a conductor. Children can also participate in an interesting instrument demonstration, in fact they can argue whether the organ is the queen of instruments or, as the genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart believed, their king?



Danubia Orchestra
Sándor Balatoni - organ
Máté Hámori - conductor


Walther: Concerto I.
Vivaldi: Tavasz
Handel: Cuckoo and Nightingale
Widor: Toccata
Mozart: Templomi szonáta
Brahms: Hungarian Dance No.5.
Hans Zimmer: Inserstellar
Abreu: Tico tico