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11.04.2024 10:00
Dallamvivők Nemzetközi Konferencia
Budapest, Budapest Music Center

Melody Carriers: International Conference

Searching new paths in youth music education

 The primary task of Filharmonia Hungary is to organise youth concerts of chamber and orchestral performances, which support extra-curricular music education. For more than 70 years, we have been bringing music close to the pupils in cultural centres, sports- and school halls while keeping track of the new needs and changes required, which constantly lead to the renewal of performances.

Every year, it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract and engage students and offer them informative, high-quality programmes, diverse in music that introduce and make young people love different genres.

We are searching for new solutions, and as a result, on 11 April 2024, from 10:00 a.m. at the BMC, we will organise an international conference, "Melody Carriers," which will present good examples of Hungarian and foreign performing organisations, performing artists, and music educators.

Participation is free, but requires prior registration.
Registration for the Conference is HERE 


Conference Program:

10:00 AM OperaCinema presentation

10:15 AM Opening

10:25 AM Youth Music Education of the Philharmonia of Hungary

Good practices and concerts from the last 10-15 years - Szabolcs Szamosi

10:45 AM Presentation of the music education concept of invited orchestras in 10-10 minutes

Dr. Szilveszter Ókovács - Magyar Állami Operaház
Domonkos Herboly - Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
Krisztina Szászné Pónuzs - Miskolci Szimfonikus Zenekar
Balázs Hornyák - Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar
Máté Hámori - Danubia Zenekar


11:45-11:55 AM break

11:55 AM International music education - an outlook 

Jorge PrendasPortugal, Casa da Música
Morten BrenneNorway, Kulturtanken
Amy DunningEngland, Manchester Camerata


13:00-13:45 PM lunch break

13:45 PM Concert and music education performances

Prof. Dr. Tamás LaknerNew Singing-music books and concert pedagogy
Zsuzsánna Mindszenty - "Beauty or agony?" (The Kodály Concept in the 21st Century. The impact of globalisation in our music education)
Körmendy Zsolt - From education to music education - On the pedagogy of audience education

14:45-15:00 PM break

15:00 PM Round table discussion on the future of music education

Máté Hámori - Danubia Zenekar
Gergely Kesselyák - Pannon Filharmonikusok 
Zsolt Körmendy - Zeneakadémia
Kálmán Záborszky - Szent István Filharmonikusok
SzabolcsSzamosi - Filharmónia Magyaroroszág

16:00 PM Question and answer – interactive dialogue between participants

16:15 PM End of conference