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15.12.2021 19:00
Budapest Festival Orchestra
Veszprém, Hangvilla Multifunkcionális Közösségi Tér
Hangvilla Season Ticket - Veszprém
Season tickets

Stanley lost his eyesight in an unfortunate accident as a child, but the loss strengthened his other senses, which helped his music education as he grew up. The melodies of Britten's pieces, composed in his teenage years, are yet free of his later anti-militarist sentiments. It is these innocent childhood melodies that inspired his Simple Simphony. Come and listen to the serenity surfacing from the sinister atmosphere of Britten's youthful work. The program also includes the works of composers like the visually impaired J. Stanley, the creator of musical rivalry Corelli, the soul-searching Vivaldi and the knighted Mozart. Let us meet on 15 December at Hangvilla in Veszprém!


Budapest Festival Orchestra
György Kertész - cello
Zoltán Szőke - horn
János Pilz - concertmaster


Hangvilla Season Ticket - Veszprém - további koncertek